Soaring Eagle Academy

Daily Schedule

Students have an individualized schedule that supports their developmental levels, therapeutic goals and natural interests. Students participate in core academic subject areas of Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Social Emotional learning curriculum on a daily basis, presented in a meaningful and dynamic manner, related to their developmental level and individual profile.

Students receive Speech Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Social Work/Counseling based on their IEP needs. Theoretical thinking from each of these related services are deeply rooted within SEA curriculum, activities and interactions. Students may participate in fine arts (music & art), vocational/life skills, and P.E. as part of their therapeutic plan.

Daily Schedule Activities (Description of Daily Activities)

(Times and activities may vary among classrooms and students)

Gathering Time – Group based engagement related to welcoming peers to school, making announcements for the day and taking attendance. Students are encouraged to interact and initiate ideas with staff and peers. Yoga, rhythmic movement and calming music are offered as a calm, grounding way to start the day.

Small Group Academics – Dynamic and multi-sensory, teacher-directed lessons based on current curriculum, themes, and individual student developmental levels. Goals are established through the IEP process and include, Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Teachers group students based on their learning levels and also individual profiles to best support peer interactions and learning.

Related Therapy Services – Students receive related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and/or social work/counseling based on their IEP needs. Therapy services may be provided one on one within the therapy room or as part of a group/integrated therapy during a classroom activity or experience. Students are supported by the DIR® Specialist facilitating work in developmental goal areas and the Social Emotional Learning Curriculum.

Individual Academics – Students work one on one with their Teacher Assistant and/or their teacher. During individual academic stations, students are engaged  in individualized lessons generated by the teacher based on full scope and sequence curriculum.  These goals reflect the student’s individual IEP goal areas for Literacy and Math, while also keeping in mind the accommodations and considerations specific to his or her individual profile. 

Lunch – Students bring lunch from home. The therapeutic staff facilitates peer interactions during lunch. Self-help and daily living skills are promoted for independence. Snack time opportunities are offered to students throughout the day.

Recess/Small Group Play/Clubs – Peer play and interaction is facilitated by the teacher and teacher assistants during indoor and/or outdoor activities and clubs. Clubs are developed as students express interest and want to explore an activity more (dance club, science club, computer club, cooking club, and more are currently offered)

Social Emotional Learning Curriculum/Peer Social Groups – Aims to foster social and emotional skills. It is implemented by SEA Staff and individualized based on the students’ developmental level, strengths and challenges. Areas that may be covered include exploring how to support the development of body awareness and bring awareness of their actions their actions, develop and expand  comprehension around what is theirs and not theirs, build an interest in caring for themselves, staying regulated to think together with a partner and problem solve, being able to listen to the likes and dislikes of others and share some of their own if possible, and take in the perspective of others so they understand someone may think differently than they do. These groups include Dance Group, Theater Group, and Cooking Group as well as many others based on students’ interests. 

Fine Arts (Music and Art) – Students participate in small group experiences tailored to their individual needs and interests in the areas of music and art with the support of their teacher assistant.

Physical Education – Students participate in small group activities, facilitated by SEA staff and P.E. Teacher, supporting sensory processing, motor planning, sports skill development and team cooperation.

Vocational Work/Jobs – Students are supported to choose and perform jobs within their classroom or school environment. Jobs are offered based on each student’s developmental level, individual profile and natural interests. Transition students are provided with a safe, nurturing and individualized environment in which they can learn how to integrate into their communities, allowing students to connect and make meaning of the life skills being taught through academics, daily living tasks, vocational training, and rec/leisure experiences. Program activities take place through forming relationships in the community, work sites, and other dynamic locations.

High School Vocational/Life Skills Work – High School students are supported in working on functional skills to prepare for adulthood in meaningful ways throughout the school day. The teacher and therapists work together to provide opportunities for building upon employability skills, independent living skills, self- care skills and social and communication skills through cooking groups, social emotional friends groups, school store shifts, daily end of day jobs, and community outings. Self-advocacy, independence, and self- determination paired with the interests, strengths, and developmental levels guide the vocational programming for each individual student.

Gathering Time – Group engagement opportunity for students to come together to summarize their activities of the day, review the calendar, and say goodbye to peers and staff. Group yoga, rhythmic movement and calming music are offered to support a calm transition home.