Soaring Eagle Academy

The Staff of Soaring Eagle Academy

Our Program Staff

Our staff consists of certified, licensed and highly trained professionals who have a deep-rooted passion for children with special needs, their families and the Academy’s vision and mission. The education and support of our staff includes initial training, specialized training during staff development days and ongoing weekly training and daily coaching within the learning environment. Areas of training include Developmental Language Models and DIR® Floortime methodology, SEA’s unique thinking regarding the importance of understanding and supporting a student’s language comprehension and communication during a stress response within a school culture that promotes and sustains this developmental thinking, educational best practices and meaningful academic curriculum, language development and communication, sensory processing, social emotional, visual-spatial, augmentative communication, symbolic play, supporting family and staff dynamics and ISBE policy and procedures. We offer a unique opportunity to work in a school, where each employee receives intensive and ongoing training and support, as well as, the opportunity to work in an environment where each child is respected and understood and the joy of learning is celebrated.

The range of positions held by our staff is extensive. At this time, we have professionals in all of the following positions serving our school:

  • Executive Director
  • Principal
  •  DIR® Expert Clinicians/DIR® Trainers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • 1:1 Teacher Assistants
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Social Workers/Counselors
  • DIR® Specialists
  •  Mandt® Trainer
  • Code Blue Crisis Responders
  • PE Teacher
  • Assistive Technology Specialist
  • Curriculum Team
  • Program Assistants
  • Nursing
  • Business/Finance, HR, Communications, Clerical, Custodial