Soaring Eagle Academy

Meet Our Students

Read our students families stories and testimonials!

Al - Transition Student

My son, Al, was diagnosed with autism at the age of 22 months.  We immediately began in-home therapy through early intervention until he reached the age of 3.  He then entered the early childhood education program through our public school district.  During the school years of kindergarten through 2nd grade, he was in a general education classroom with an aide.  

Due to Al’s increasing behaviors, the district then placed Al in a self-contained classroom for 3rd, 4th, and the first semester of 5th grade.  Even in this multi-needs setting for students with special needs, the district informed me they could no longer meet Al’s needs.  That’s when we found Soaring Eagle Academy, and our lives were forever changed for the better. Al was finally in an environment where he felt like he belonged.  From the moment I toured Soaring Eagle, I felt so much love in the building and I knew Al would be accepted for the beautiful person that he is.  Al’s unique qualities are celebrated, and he is encouraged to be the best he can be every single day.  Al has been at Soaring Eagle for 5 years now, and he is a happy 16 year old boy who is thriving and achieving so much success with the help of his family at Soaring Eagle Academy.


Lisa Papadakos

Cole- Primary Student

“Soaring Eagle Academy has been instrumental in Cole’s progress. Because of their DIR Floortime philosophy Cole is able to build relationships and communicate his ideas. SEA supports Cole’s social and emotional well-being. They love and respect him. He is doing equally well with his academics thanks to the way SEA tailors it to his specific needs and interest. Cole has come so far from the little boy who was unable to communicate, share his ideas, or even make eye contact. He continues to thrive because of SEA and their DIR philosophy. They SEE Cole and they speak his language and that has allowed Cole to SOAR!”
Dana and Eric

Mick- High School Student

Mick has been at Soaring Eagle for almost two years, and it has been so gratifying to witness the relationships he has developed with his teachers, therapists and peers. He has a true trust with each of the staff members who works with him. He feels confident and supported at school, which enables him to progress academically and to participate enthusiastically and meaningfully in activities with his peers. He looks forward to school each day, and I feel confident and happy to send him.

Libby Hafkey

Nate - Former Elementary Student Transitioned Back to Home District

I wanted to send you an email and touch base about Nate. Today is his 10th birthday, and I was reflecting on how well he is doing and how much he has progressed. I wanted to thank everyone at SEA so much for everything you did to get him to the place he is now. Nate got all A’s and B’s last semester in his general education classes. He is in pull out for language arts, but in class for the other subjects. He plays trumpet in the school band and last December had two parts in the musical Shrek through the park district. We still have work to do, but I know that he would not be where he is now if it wasn’t for Soaring Eagle. Thank you for helping Nate gain the confidence that he needed and a safe place to learn for the years he was there.

Jill, Parent of Former SEA Elementary Student

Alex - Primary Student

This year has been challenging not only for Alex and the rest of SEA’s students but for all of you too. Through all of changes, you’ve continued to pour your hearts into all of your students and your work.
This time of year is even tougher than the rest because we aren’t able to celebrate the holidays as we normally would – together, in person. We want to thank you for going above and beyond to bring the magic alive. You’ve continued to find ways to make Alex’s e-learning sessions fun, personalized and meaningful. The awesome Zoom backgrounds, the many fun activities and crafts, the singalong today – so much fun!
We see you and we see you doing your very best, day after day. Thank you for your continued passion, creativity, sensitivity, and care that you’ve shown for Alex, your students, and SEA families.
Merry Christmas and happiest of holidays to all of you, our SEA family.
We can’t wait to see all of you again. Stay healthy!
Alex’s Family!

Jackson - Elementary Student

Merry Christmas and happiest of holidays to all of you, our SEA family.

We can’t wait to see all of you again. Stay healthy! We are so happy the staff enjoyed the breakfast.  It is truly a small token compared to what Soaring Eagle has done for our family.  Two years ago we were watching our son’s life fall apart.  We were running out of answers and felt hopeless.  And then we heard of this place called Soaring Eagle that used a method/approach both of us as educators had never heard of.  After talking to Linda for over an hour and learning about SEA, we took the leap and fought to have him placed there.  It has been one of the best decisions we have made.  The growth Jackson has made both developmentally and emotionally in these two years is amazing.  The best part is that even when he has “hiccups or setbacks” the entire team is there to support and pick him up……and talk me (Nicholas) off the ledge.  Soaring Eagle is not only Jackson’s school, but it has become another family for us.  

Thank you for all you do and for everything the staff does to make SEA the amazing school it is!